Something About Company
شركة إلهام هي شركة تعليمية تهتم بتطوير ورفع كفاءة و مستوى الطلاب من عمر 9 إلى 17 سنة باستخدام التعليم التكنولوجي
توفر شركة إلهام وظائف بدوام كامل وأخرى بدوام جزئي تناسب طلاب الجامعات والمعاهد
Elham Education is a company that focuses on creating an environment that enhances the character and the competence of teens using technology education.
Elham provides full & part time jobs that suits academic students
Our values :
- Life Long Learning.
- Proactive.
- Commitment.
- Results Driven.
- Reliant.
- Prone to excuses.
- Honesty and integrity.
Elham Education provides :
- An environment that excels self-growth
- Continuous career development
- High class networking
- Tasks that pushes your limits and gets you out of your comfort zone
And we expect you to :
- Live by the fundamental values, as they’re tools to develop the full character of the individual not only to be used when working for
- Complete tasks with excellence.
- Responsible.
- No excuses.